Westpark Neighborhood Association (WNA) Board nominations for 2023 (are now OPEN)

We will be electing new board members at the October 11th, 2023 General Meeting (at 6:30 pm).
Each NA Board requires a minimum of five (5) volunteers to be an “Active” Neighborhood Association.  RCONA provides the insurance for events, can help with partial funding, and use of City and park facilities. One representative from your board must attend monthly RCONA meetings, but people find them very informative and it’s a great place to share and learn from other NAs. 
You may submit names to the Nominations Committee through September 13th, 2023 by 5 PM (close date). No nominations can be accepted after the deadline. All you need to do is fill out the form below with the name, address, email address and phone number of your nominee along with a with simple paragraph background biography. If you are submitting someone else’s name, please confirm with them their willingness to serve prior to nominating them. Candidates will be posted on this website by September 15th, 2023. The Slate of Candidates will be posted here on our site and remain posted until after the elections. Meetings generally last less than two hours are only once per month. There can be up to 10 board members (per our bylaws) — enough so that the various duties are not onerous on anyone.
The WNA Bylaws require the annual election of board members. Our annual election will take place at the general membership meeting on October 11th, 2023 (see above).

We hope to hear from you!
WNA Nominations Committee

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